Demographic history is the history of evolution and development of populations. It includes such parameters as size of population, time of splits and migration rates.
Understand population history
Conservation biology studies
$\partial a \partial i$ — Diffusion Approximation for Demographic Inference.
$\partial a \partial i$ uses local search optimization algorithms.
GADMA — Genetic Algorithm for Demographic Model Analysis
Goal: minimize unknown function $f$ in as few evaluations as possible.
On each iteration:
Definition. A Gaussian process is random function $f : X \to \R$ such that for any $x_1,..,x_n$, the vector $f(x_1),..,f(x_n)$ is multivariate Gaussian.
Every GP is characterized by a mean $\mu(\.)$ and a kernel $k(\.,\.)$. We have $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ f(\v{x}) \~ \f{N}(\v{\mu}_{\v{x}},\m{K}_{\v{x}\v{x}}) } $$ where $\v\mu_{\v{x}} = \mu(\v{x})$ and $\m{K}_{\v{x}\v{x}'} = k(\v{x},\v{x}')$.
\htmlData{class=fragment fade-out,fragment-index=9}{
k_\nu(x,x') = \sigma^2 \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} \del{\sqrt{2\nu} \frac{\norm{x-x'}}{\kappa}}^\nu K_\nu \del{\sqrt{2\nu} \frac{\norm{x-x'}}{\kappa}}
\htmlData{class=fragment d-print-none,fragment-index=9}{
k_\infty(x,x') = \sigma^2 \exp\del{-\frac{\norm{x-x'}^2}{2\kappa^2}}
$\sigma^2$: variance
$\kappa$: length scale
$\nu$: smoothness
$\nu\to\infty$: recovers squared exponential kernel
$\nu = 1/2$
$\nu = 3/2$
$\nu = 5/2$
$\nu = \infty$
$EI = \mathbb{E}[max\{0, f_{min} - f(x)\}] $
$PI = P(f(x) \leq f_{min})$
$LCB = \mu(x) - \kappa \cdot \sigma(x)$
$logEI = \mathbb{E}[max\{0, e^{f_{min}} - e^{f(x)}\}]$
The predictive log probability when leaving out training case $(x_i, y_i)$ is: $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ \footnotesize \mathclap{ \log p(y_i | X, y_{-i}, \theta) = -\frac{1}{2} \log \sigma_i^2 - \frac{(y_i - \mu_i)^2}{2\sigma^2} - \frac{1}{2}\log 2\pi, } } $$ where $\theta$ - parameters of Gaussian Process, $y_{-i} = Y \setminus \{y_i\}$, $\mu_i = \mu(x_i)$ and $\sigma_i = \sigma(x_i)$
Leave-One-Out log predictive probability: $$ \htmlClass{fragment}{ L_{LOO} = \sum_{i=1}^n \log p(y_i | X, y_{-i}, \theta) } $$